This year was the first full year of tracking your perception of our services and overall satisfaction using the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures.
We started tracking these in 2022/23, but 2023/24 is the first year that the questions were fully finalised and compulsory for all social housing landlords. We’ve pulled these results, and other useful information together, to produce this report, and hope that you find it a helpful resource to understand what we’re doing, how we’re improving, and our promises to you for 2024/25.
Along with the insight we gain from these satisfaction measures, other customer contact, and learning from when things have gone wrong; we are supported by the valuable input from our fantastic engaged residents – our customer excellence panel – who have continued to be a vital sounding board and shaping force.
We were really pleased with overall satisfaction climbing from 51% (2022/23) to 59.5% (2023/24) – which shows that changes and improvements we’re making are beginning to have an effect, but know that we still have further to go.
Our colleagues are engaged and committed to what we do. Changes made this year, and our ongoing actions will start to deliver real improvements – working in more productive and purposeful ways to deliver outcomes for customers that make us proud.
You continue to tell and show us that we need to be more responsive. Listening and acting is a key driver of this overall customer satisfaction, and we have made this our overarching priority for the next year.
Anne Waterhouse
Chief Executive
Kybor Carlsen
Chair of the Customer Excellence Panel
The Customer Excellence Panel has significantly contributed to a positive shift in Wandle’s organization and culture. While there is still room for improvement in resident satisfaction, I am confident that the changes implemented so far have made a difference. Moving forward, we trust Wandle will continue to enhance the contact centre and repair services to better serve their customers
– Kybor Carlsen